Reporting Services

Communicating and celebrating climate progress.

CDP Reporting

Investors and customers leverage CDP to assess and track company action on climate, water, and deforestation issues.  More and more, CDP is the go-to reporting framework for big and small companies alike.  

Our CDP experts help companies at all stages prepare for reporting, enhance disclosures, and implement strategic efforts to mitigate impacts.

  • Formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP is an annual reporting platform designed for companies to consistently and transparently communicate environmental impacts.

    Although voluntary, companies are increasingly requested by investors and customers to report to one or more of CDP’s three questionnaires: Climate Change, Water Security and Forests.

    CDP disclosures are industry-specific and receive a letter grade (A to D-) based on both company performance and report quality.

    • Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventorying

    • Water inventorying

    • CDP scoring assessment

    • CDP advisory services

    • CDP disclosure development

    • Supplier engagement

    • Respond to investor or customer requests

    • Communicate climate commitments and brand building

    • Track climate progress over time

    • Identify opportunities for improvement

    • Engage with customers and suppliers

  • A large non-profit health system decided to voluntarily report to CDP Climate Change. Being new to CDP requirements, they sought assistance bolstering responses, particularly in the qualitative sections.

    PSC team members conducted a CDP scoring assessment for select disclosure sections, identified opportunities for improvement, facilitated internal interviews and data gathering, and drafted CDP disclosure responses.

    Additionally, PSC provided an overview of actions to take within the fiscal year to further improve responses for the next disclosure cycle.

SEC Reporting

In spring 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a new rule that would require public companies to disclose climate-related data.  Though not yet in effect, it’s not too soon to start preparing.

PSC climate experts can help you navigate the upcoming requirements and help you get your reporting ready.

  • The proposed SEC ruling requires domestic or foreign registrants to include climate-related information in registration statements and periodic reports, such as annual 10-Ks.

    Climate-related information includes:

    • Risks and actual or likely material impacts to your business

    • Governance of risks and risk management processes

    • GHG emissions, including verification for large companies

    • Information about targets and goals, and transition plans, if any

    These requirements closely mirror existing frameworks such as the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

    • Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventorying

    • Risk & opportunity assessments

    • Materiality assessments

    • Climate strategy and target-setting

    • TCFD & CDP Reporting services

Materiality Assessments

Determining material ESG topics streamlines your company’s strategy and lets you focus on issues most meaningful to your organization.

PSC experts use the GRI and/or ISSB & SASB materiality standards to assess the issues that are most important to your company and to your stakeholders — and to identify where you can make the most impact.

  • The concept of materiality differs slightly by standard and approach, but the overall intent is to identify the most important ESG topics for your organization.

    Material topics may be industry-specific and are typically evaluated based on both the importance to key stakeholders and the potential impact on the environment and society.

    Many companies choose to also conduct a ‘double materiality’ assessment, which includes an assessment of impact on future business success.

    • Industry landscape assessment

    • Peer benchmarking

    • Stakeholder engagement (interviews & surveys)

    • Impact assessments

    • Sustainability reporting

    • Strategy development

    • Develop a GRI- and/or SASB-aligned report

    • Identify strategic focus areas

    • Prioritize ESG efforts

    • Communicate with internal and external stakeholders

    • Satisfy reporting requirements

  • A global logistics company received external pressure to identify and report on their ESG priorities.

    PSC team members conducted a peer benchmarking assessment to identify material topics, and assessed the potential impacts of each topic on the environment and society. Additionally, PSC engaged key stakeholders to determine the priority of each topic from multiple perspectives.

    Material topics with the highest potential impact and the highest priority for stakeholders were identified and reported on externally.

Other Reporting

The sustainability reporting landscape is complex and ever-shifting. PSC can help you navigate the plethora of frameworks including TCFD, GRI, EcoVadis, ISS ESG and B Corp. Our team helps you understand gaps, build your reporting strategy and streamline the process.

  • The ESG reporting landscape is complex and varies by framework, audience and objective. Most are conducted annually, and request both quantitative and qualitative information.

    ESG disclosures often include governance structure, risks & opportunities, material topic disclosures and associated data, goal-setting and progress, policy involvement, supplier and customer engagement, and business strategy.

    Some reporting efforts are rated or graded to status and progress, while others serve as guidelines for external communications. Requirements can vary by industry and company size.

    • Gap Assessments

    • Peer benchmarking

    • Landscape assessments

    • Risks & opportunities assessments

    • Disclosure development or support

    • Stakeholder engagement

    • Materiality assessments

    • ESG strategy glidepaths & roadmaps

    • Respond to investor or customer requests

    • Communicate ESG commitments and brand building

    • Report progress towards goals

    • Identify opportunities for improvement

    • Engage with customers and suppliers

  • A global leader of quality water solutions was receiving pressure from a key supplier to increase their ISS ESG rating.

    PSC conducted a gap assessment of existing practices against the ISS ESG criteria, identified key improvement areas and provided short- and long-term recommendations.

General Advisory Services

Are you looking for general assistance with reporting? Or need help figuring out how to get started?

Not a problem. Contact us and we can figure it out together.